Saturday, October 22, 2011


Gidget was a family sitcom that ran for 32 episodes during the 1965-1966 TV season. Gidget, a combination of "girl" and "midget", began life as a book in 1957. Several more "Gidget" novels followed and in 1959 it hit the silver screen with Sandra Dee in the role of Gidget. Two more films followed in the early 60's each with a different cast. The television version featured Sally Field as Gidget and Don Porter as her father. Not a bad 60's American sitcom by any means, but as is so often the case in Hollywood, by the time the TV show appeared it was about 5 years behind the times. You can almost imagine the target audience asking their much older siblings "is that what it was like when you were a kid?" That might not be an issue these days, but between the late 50's and early 70's "things" changed rapidly and often.

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